অ্যাপ্লিকেশন এর সময় কোনো সাবজেক্ট কম্বিনেশন সিলেকশনের অপশন নেই, ওটা অ্যাডমিশন এর সময় করতে হবেঅ্যাপ্লিকেশন এর সময় তোমাকে কোন Honours (Major) সাবজেক্ট নিয়ে পড়বে, সেটা সিলেক্ট করতে হবে , আর অ্যাডমিশন এর সময় সাবজেক্ট কম্বিনেশন(Minor Subject) সিলেক্ট করতে হবে
At the time of application, you have to select which Honors (Major) subject you will study, and at the time of admission, you have to select the subject combination (Minor Subject).
All B.A. General classes for Girls will be held in Morning shift Only
NO APPLICATION FEES IS REQUIRED AS PER GOVERNMENT GUIDELINES We will strictly follow the guidelines provided by the Government
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Admission Qualification
Admission to 1st year B.A./B.Sc. courses will be made as per marks obtained in top scored four (4) subjects to determine their aggregate marks in Higher Secondary (WBCHSE)/other Board examinations. Students having certificates in district / state level sports / games will be considered for admission- 1% of those seats may be filled in any subject if suitable candidates are available.
Restrictions regarding Admission
Students passed from correspondence courses will not be admitted. Students having passed H.S./ISC/CBSE level with less than five subjects are not eligible for admission. Students passed from institutions not recognized by The West Bengal State University (Barasat, North 24 Parganas) will not be allowed admission. Students from foreign countries having no Migration or Visa or other equivalent legal documents will not be allowed admission. Students from other states or universities or schools having no Migration are not eligible for admission. Students coming with transfer certificate will not be allowed to change subject combination recorded in earlier college.
Instructions Regarding Classes
If there are minimum 20 students admitted in the Women's Section with the combination of General subjects like Journalism and Geography & Sanskrit, they will have to attend their classes in the Women's Section.
Anti-ragging Cell
Ragging is strictly prohibited in the college campus. Any students found involved in ragging will be punished severely by the anti-ragging cell.
Admission Reservation
Seats are reserved for SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/EWS and physically challenged candidates according to Government regulations.
Students admitted to this college are to abide by the rules and regulations of the college, the University and the orders of the Principal. No student can plead ignorance of such rules and orders. 1) If a student is absent from classes without notice and without proper reason for more than 30 days, his/her name may be struck off from the College roll. 2) Students must keep the college premises clean and maintain the sanctity of the college. Silence is to be observed. The corridors, staircases and the college premises are not meant for loitering and lounging. Smoking and other immoral activities are strictly prohibited within college premises. 3) The college authorities hold the right to issue Transfer Certificate/rusticate a guilty student, if they consider that such action is necessary in the interest of the college. 4) Students having attendance less than 75% of the total classes taken will be declared non-collegiate and students having less than 60% attendance will not be allowed to appear in the University examination. 5) Students have to secure qualifying marks in all the class tests, mid-term tests and Test conducted by the college in order to be allowed to appear in the final examination.
Procedure for Application
Applicants are requested to first view the available 4 years UG Courses and 3 years UG Degree Programme along with combination subjects and require minimum qualifications. Then check the application fees and course fees. For application, applicant have to register first with his or her Name, H.S. Registration No or H.S. Roll No., H.S. passing year, H.S. Board, his or her own valid mobile number, Date of Birth, Nationality, State. After Registration, applicant will receive a confirmation SMS along with the Application ID and Password in his/her registered mobile no. Applicant have to login with the provided application ID and Password. Applicant have to provide his personal details like guardian name, full address, category, etc. Applicant have to provide Academic details i.e. all marks obtained along with the H.S. subjects. Single application form is to be used for applying for more than one subject / course.
Online Submission of Application Form
No hard copy or Application Form are accepted to the College Office directly. Application Fee can be paid through Online Payment Mode.
Subject Change
Changing Core Subject or General Stream will be allowed only if seats remains vacant or College authority allows.
Cancellation of Candidature
At the time of Certificate verification if any information provided at the time of online form fill up found incorrect or payment confirmation is not matched then the candidature will be cancelled. After admission in each course of study, if any student remain absent from the classes continuously for seven days at a stretch or for a total of Fifteen days (intermittent) during the first one month of her admission to the course of studies without assigning reasons acceptable to the College authority, his / her studentship will be terminated and her name will be automatically struck off the rolls.